To Self-Sufficiency
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Case Work

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کیس ورک
Case Work
Widow: Widows are those helpless women whose husband died and have no one else to support them for their financial needs.
Transgender: The deprived and the most neglected gender of the society who need to earn for themselves and their families.
Orphan: Those needy children, teenagers or young boys and girls who lost their father and have left with no one to who can safeguard and accept those orphans as guardian.
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Case Work

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Urgent Appeals

Child Labour: The child labour is the young hard worker community in our society who genuinely need help for survival and rehabilitation.
Handicap: Disabled and special people who cannot fulfil their daily needs by themselves
Activities & Videos
Case Work
A Sick Father & A Blind Mother
Who deserves your help the most?
Rehabilitate Orphaned Children
No Food, No Education
Painful Skin Grafting
From Begging to Books
Events & Updates
Case Work

A Sick Father & A Blind Mother
Her husband is ill.
Affording two meals a day is a struggle.
Her children want to study.
Yasmeen’s life is covered in darkness, but her heart glows with the light of hope.

Who deserves your help the most?
Shamshad Uncle sells papad to support his family. His wife and young son are mentally challenged, and due to his wife’s worst mentally condition, he also manages all household chores.

Rehabilitate Orphaned Children
Zeeshan, like many orphaned children, lost his childhood to harsh realities.
His father passed away 15 years ago, leaving his mother as his only support.

Aiman’s Future At Risk
Aiman lost her father and now takes care of her younger brother. She is a brilliant student, but her semester fee remains unpaid. Without it, her future is at risk.

No Food, No Education
Zulfiqar Bhai, already struggling with a disability, lost everything after an accident. Now, he can neither afford his medical treatment nor provide food for his four daughters,

Painful Skin Grafting
A woman who was already struggling to take care of her paralyzed husband has now been left helpless after a brutal incident crushed both her legs.

From Begging to Books
Khan Sultana’s case was one of the toughest. His children were forced into begging, surrounded by addiction, abuse, and destruction.

Forced to Live in Isolation
Tanveer Kosar lives alone with her daughter, who witnessed her father’s brutal murder with her own eyes. Since that tragic day, they have been forced to live in isolation, away from relatives.