+92 302 0422183
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کراچی ویلفیئر سنٹر

Karachi Welfare Center

A Key to Successful Society

ایک کامیاب معاشرے کی بنیاد

Welfare Centers
کراچی ویلفیئر سنٹر

Welfare Center

A Key to Successful Society

ایک کامیاب معاشرے کی بنیاد

Karachi Center

Working as a social welfare organization, we have often realized that many women are suffering from miserable circumstances because of being uneducated and unskilled. A major part of women population has no knowledge or skill to earn for herself and her family if she ever confronts with
unfortunate situations like being divorced, becoming a widow, or injustice from family. Our Sponsorship Program supports a lot of cases like this on monthly basis. Yet, moving towards “Insufficiency to Self-Sufficiency” by eradicating the root cause of joblessness and helplessness for such women,
Karachi Center was established to help women and young girls develop skills in order to become self-sufficient and strong enough to cope up with hard times. The center offers following skill development trainings:
1. Beautician Courses
2. Stitching Courses
3. Computer courses

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Karachi Welfare Center

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Urgent Appeals

After completing these trainings, many ladies have started to earn for themselves. The center is dedicated to bring a positive societal impact by gradually increasing its capacity as well as introducing a variety of new course to generate a greater impact and success ratio.

Activities & Videos

Karachi Welfare Center

Events & Updates

Karachi Welfare Center

From trauma and suicide attempts to a life now filled with hope and education, Zainab is a testament to the success of Shauoor Maan Ghar.

From Trauma to Hope

From trauma and suicide attempts to a life now filled with hope and education, Zainab is a testament to the success of Shauoor Maan Ghar.

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Aasma, an MA Political Science graduate

Poison: Is A Final Escape?

How does someone reach the point of consuming poison? What unbearable burden leads to such a tragic decision? Aasma, an MA Political Science graduate,

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Shauoor Programs

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