+92 302 0422183
Call for Donations:
انتظام برائے قدرتی آفات

Disaster Management

Whoever saves the life of one person, it is as if he saved the life of the whole humanity. (Al-Maeeda-:32)

جس نے ایک انسان کی جان بچائی اس نے تمام انسانیت کی جان بچائی ۔ (المائدۃ:32)

Disaster Management Project
انتظام برائےقدرتی آفات


Whoever saves the life of one person, it is as if he saved the life of the whole humanity. (Al-Maeeda-:32)

جس نے ایک انسان کی جان بچائی اس نے تمام انسانیت کی جان بچائی ۔ (المائدۃ:32)

Shauoor Welfare Foundation always plays an active role during disaster situations like floods, earth quakes and situations like COVID-19. We breathlessly contributed in disastrous earthquake of 2008, the havoc of the 2010 flood, the covid-19 crisis, and recently in the flood of 2022 which left different areas across Pakistan downtrodden. Aid activities in hazardous circumstances is a journey to rehabilitation after calamities. We analyze the on-ground situations in affected area to not only help people financially, physically but also restore their moral and emotional strength.

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Disaster Management

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