while the daughters were gifted beautiful jewellery. A feast was also arranged to celebrate the occasion.
Join us in spreading happiness and celebrating these moments of love and joy.
while the daughters were gifted beautiful jewellery. A feast was also arranged to celebrate the occasion.
Join us in spreading happiness and celebrating these moments of love and joy.
شعور ماں گھر میں خوشیاں بانٹنے کا لمحہ
خوشیاں بانٹنے سے بڑھتی ہیں۔
شعور ماں گھر میں ماؤں اور بچیوں کے درمیان تحائف تقسیم کرنے کے لیے ایک خوبصورت تقریب منعقد کی گئی۔ ماؤں کو سردیوں کے لیے گرم جوتے اور ہوڈیز دی گئیں، جبکہ بچیوں کے لیے خوبصورت جیولری بھی تھی۔ اس موقع پر ایک ضیافت کا بھی اہتمام کیا گیا۔
آپ بھی ہماری خوشیوں میں شریک ہوں اور محبت اور خوشی کے لمحے بانٹیں۔
From trauma and suicide attempts to a life now filled with hope and education, Zainab is a testament to the success of Shauoor Maan Ghar.
The girls at Shauoor Maan Ghar had a wonderful day in the park, leaving behind their worries and embracing joy.
while the daughters were gifted beautiful jewellery. A feast was also arranged to celebrate the occasion.
Arifa Zeenat, a resident of Shauoor Maan Ghar, shares how this shelter has given her a sense of safety and belonging like never before.
We aim to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We believe that every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and contributing member of our society. We also believe that awareness is one sole solution to every problem of our society and by creating awareness we can take our society to a better level of prosperity and compassion.