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Kafalat Program

Kindness is rewarded with kindness. (Ar-Rahman)

( احسان کا بدلہ احسان ہے ۔ (الرحمٰن

Sponsorship Program
کفالت پروگرام


"Kindness is Rewarded with Kindness."

( احسان کا بدلہ احسان ہے ۔ (الرحمٰن

Maria Need Your Support

Sister Maria worked hard for her only orphaned daughter Bisma, by sewing and getting her to university. Still, now diabetes has left her helpless, fearing that her fingers will be amputated. Suffering from lack of medicine and worries about daughter’s fees, take these lonely mothers and daughters under the sponsorship mantle.

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Kafalat Program

ان تنہا ماں بیٹیوں کو کفالت کی چادر میں لے لیں

بہن ماریہ نے اپنی اکلوتی یتیم بیٹی بسمہ کے لئے بہت محنت کی، سلائی کر کے اسے یونیورسٹی تک پہنچا دیا، مگر اب شوگر کی بیماری نے انھیں بے بس کر دیا ہے، انگلیوں کے کٹ جانے کا ڈر، دوا نہ ہونے سے بڑھتی تکلیف، بیٹی کی فیس کی فکر، ان تنہا ماں بیٹیوں کو کفالت کی چادر میں لے لیں۔


Events & Updates

Education & Food for a Better Future

Education & Food for a Better Future

When Naseem Baji first came to Shauoor Welfare Foundation, she was extremely distressed. Her husband, a daily wage laborer, had fallen from a scaffold, breaking both his legs, leaving him bedridden.

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shamshad uncle, kafalat program (2)

Who deserves your help the most?

Shamshad Uncle sells papad to support his family. His wife and young son are mentally challenged, and due to his wife’s worst mentally condition, he also manages all household chores.

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Forced to Live in Isolation

Forced to Live in Isolation

Tanveer Kosar lives alone with her daughter, who witnessed her father’s brutal murder with her own eyes. Since that tragic day, they have been forced to live in isolation, away from relatives.

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Survival or Starvation

Survival or Starvation?

Survival or Starvation?
A heartbreaking struggle unfolds in Asif Bhai’s home—on one side, he is fighting for his life, and on the other, his children are battling hunger.

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